Neil Chisholm

By January 3, 2017Utställare

Neil Chisholm

Just to get things straight from the start I’ll confess to being more of a car guy than a camera guy. It all began with a small boy with scraped knees pushing Hot Wheels around in the dust. To my surprise the fascination of American car culture returned to me in my adult life, albeit on a larger scale.

I soon discovered that the exciting shapes and bright colours made great subjects for my new point-and-shoot digital camera. A sub-interest was quickly developed.

I have a genuine love, understanding and respect of photography – as an art director it’s also an important part of my job – but I’m lost when it comes to operating a camera. I am, like so many others, spoilt rotten in this digital age.

So it will come as no surprise that most of these images were shot with a mobile phone. The remainder were taken with the cheap Canon mentioned above (set on ‘auto’ naturally).

This ‘merge’ series is a new thing for me. The shapes, details and colours of the cars take on a new life as they interact with each other. As your eyes try to define one car from the other your focus is drawn to elements you might not have considered before. It’s these elements that fuel whole sub-culture that it seems I was destined to be a part of.

If you’d like to see more I can be found on Instagram @rustnchrome­